Trusted Executive Class Bus Rental also Tourism Counsel in Semarang
Trusted Executive Class Bus Rental also Tourism Counsel in Semarang . Semarang is a huge city in Homeland. Semarang has a nation of more than 1,700,000 population. In upstart years, the development of the big city of Semarang is categorically significant. Many service buildings were built in the city of Semarang. The development of this region shows the successful role of Semarang in the national economy. Semarang is one of the strategic cities located upon the north coast of Java. Semarang as a strategic hub that connects the Jakarta-Surabaya region. Semarang has a pinnacle of 2 m below sea level to 340 m above sea level. Semarang is a big city that has special topographic conditions in the form of narrow low-lying areas and hilly areas that extend from west to east Semarang. The western region of Semarang without help has a width of 4km from the coastline, whereas in the eastern region of Semarang it is a low-lying area that widens to 11km from the coastline. This low-lying area is